Emergency Response Service
The Sangster International Airport (SIA) Emergency Response Service (ERS) is comprised of 37 firefighter personnel specially trained to respond to emergencies common to airport environments.
Qualified through globally recognized training programs and certification obtained through institutions such as the Dallas/Fort Worth International Airport Department of Public Safety and the South Carolina Fire Training Academy, USA, our firefighters are dedicated to providing the utmost in public safety to the over 3 million travellers visiting the Sangster International Airport each year.
The ERS is organized and has responsibility for a range of rescue and firefighting functions. These include the following:
Fire Prevention
Fire Prevention ensures that processes, structures, and facilities are monitored to provide a safe and acceptable level of fire risk. This section seeks to monitor activities on airport property through a process of inspections with the assistance of the municipal fire services, the Jamaica Fire Brigade.
Permits: obtaining a permit may require an inspection prior to receiving a permit. Permits are required for Hot Works and Fire Protection System impairments.
The department also engages in fire safety education for our stakeholders. Presentations are offered in such subjects as use of fire extinguishers, evacuation etc.
Inspection and testing of the airports hydrant system and fire extinguishers are carried out once per month.
Fire Rescue
The mission of the Emergency Response Service is to provide the Sangster International Airport community with dedicated firefighters committed to delivering effective and timely response to accidents/incidents and natural disasters, through effective delivery of professional Aircraft Rescue and Fire Fighting and emergency response services.
To remain operationally ready for deployment to its core function of aircraft emergency response, the ERS is required to maintain its resources fully prepared to meet any assignment received. To that end, it follows department mandates, as well as requirements detailed by our regulators, the Jamaica Civil Aviation Authority and the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) to maintain training standards and proficiency. The department relies on the latest technology and tools to provide superior fire services. Towards this end, a drive has been embarked on to replace our aging fleet of ARFF units with modern state-of-the-art units. All fire suppression personnel are trained to the basic First Aid/CPR/AED level.
Firefighter's Day With our Emergency Response Services Department (ERS).
Students of the Victory Whitehouse Basic School and Flankers Primary and Junior High visited the firehall between 10am and noon to celebrate with the ERS Team along with being informed and educated on the various ERS roles while getting a first-hand view of their working environment.